Monday, 10 November 2008

The Middle ages

The computer game industry moved from the Arcades to the Home during the period from the late 70s until the mid 80s. I am not 100% sure why this change occurred but it was most likely related to the economy at the time. perhaps the arcades weren't bringing enough revenue to the business. the home PC was the original format for home gaming. games were often extremely simple. one such example was Adventure or Colossal Cave Adventure. this genre of game was known as a text adventure game and consisted of a story being written on the screen and the player had to input commands in order to get a response. 

companies in the industry began to separate themselves from PCs in an attempt to produce  their own brand of gaming system. Capcom was one such company and the name is actually a abbreviation of the words Capsule computer. Many Variations were created and the Game market became flooded and companies over produced many of the more famous or anticipated titles such as pac man which as a result, underperformed. larger companies such as Atari lost millions while the market for cheaper home consoles boomed and continued to do so for many years especially with the release of the Comadore 64 in America shortly followed by the Nes and Sega Master system.

 Sega and Nintendo were the Two main competitors until the mid 90s when Sony established itself in the Gaming world with the Playstation. Sega surprisingly went bust after releasing the Dreamcast which was very advanced for its time.

I remember the Year that sega released the Dreamcast, I again asked for one for Christmas and although some of the games released were utter rubbish (chef's love shack springs to mind) most of them were brilliant. I'm still oblivious to how the company failed with the console, perhaps its limited game list or maybe people were just transfixed on the Playstation and the soon to be released Playstation 2, who knows...

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