Monday, 23 March 2009

The Watchmen

I suppose my opinion of this film isn’t fully valid as I never read the graphic novel but from where I was sitting, the first 20-30 minuets seemed a bit redundant and the flashbacks got a bit irritating after a while. None of it seemed to have much to do with the main plotline and other than the scenes with Rorschach, I found them fairly boring. don’t get me wrong though. A fair few of them had significant relevance but for the most part I was thinking to myself “when is something interesting going to happen” once the film started to get going however, I was on the edge of my seat. The landscapes and set designs were fantastic and the visual effects even more so. Plot twists kept people who hadn’t read the novel guessing and I think that’s what often sets apart a brilliant film from a mediocre film. I just think that if the film was edited down a bit by about 20 to 30 minutes or so, it would have been a much better film but then again, I have a feeling that the majority of the footage at the start of the film was put there to keep those who had read the novel happy so I think that’s what I‘ll do.

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