Monday, 12 January 2009

I'd be the first one to admit that I am a bit of a Nintendo fanboy. Nintendo in my view have always been on top when it comes to ergonomic design. The SNES was Probably the last console they produced that didn't consider the shapes of the human hand. As early as the N64, Nintendo have produced controllers that are both comfortable and practical. As far as the console itself goes, I would have to say that the easiest to use was the N64 or possibly the SNES. plug the console in, turn on the TV, whack the cart in and flip the power switch. BISH, BASH, BOSH. simple as that. i must have been 4 or 5 when i first got my SNES and despite it being quite dangerous by todays standards, i set it up and started to play it with barely any help. The worst it has to be said for me was the PS2. when that tittle screen came up it was like someone tried to speak Portuguese to me or explain molecular biology. That was the first time i needed help with setting up a game

As far as aesthetics goes, I would say that although Nintendo have produced some nice looking consoles such as the game cube and WII, The Xbox 360 is the winner hands down. its sleek sweeping lines suggest almost sports car like looks. The controllers are pretty awesome as well. Its just a shame they always bloody brake!

I suppose in the future its impossible to tell how we will interact with games but judging from the success of the wII, we will probably end up flailing about like maniacs in our living rooms. I wouldn't count the controller out just yet though, I think it has a few years left yet.

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